Still Standing
A mother’s raw journey from the shadows of loss to the dawning of hope

Still Standing can be purchased through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, all good book stores, or here:
Still Standing
A mother’s raw journey from the
shadows of loss to the dawning of hope
Denny Meek is yanked from sleep at 3am by a loud knocking. She opens the door to three police officers. ‘I’m sorry; we need to speak with you. Preferably inside.’ Denny is about to be struck by tragedy – the death of a child. A blow she has now faced three times.
After the crushing loss of an infant son in her mid-twenties, her counsellor suggests Denny keep a ‘Feelings’ diary. The journal excerpts she shares throughout her story articulate her inner journey through domestic violence, single parenting, her daughter’s anorexia, and teen suicide.
With a degree in psychology, a diploma in journalism, and a determination to survive for whichever of her children are left in her care, this heartbreaking yet hopeful book is Denny’s meaning-making journey; the light pulling her through a long ‘dark night of the soul’.
Readers will identify with Denny’s courage and candour as she questions self and society. The strength and sincerity of her spiritual yearning will hearten and inspire as she shows with soul-searching honesty through the depths of her heartbreaks how she’s Still Standing.
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Acting Head, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Charles Sturt University